Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Used Books

Arnold Bennet "Thew Great Adventure" ars$30

Charlotte Bronte "Jane Eyre" ars$30

Rupert Brooke "complete poems" ars$80

Collins, Lucas "Lucian" (luciano de samosata) ars$40

Confucio "The Analects" ars$30

Lord Alfred Douglas "The sonnets of" ars$40

Lawrence Durrell "Mountolive" ars$30

Lawrence Durrell "clea" ars$30

Rudolph Koch "The life of jesus" ars$30

Martin Pedersen "GRaphis Nudes" ars$200

Axel Munthe "memories and Vagaries" ars$40

Sean O´Casey "The Ploughs and the stars"ars$30

Cornelia Raymond "Memories of a Child of Vassar"ars$50

Scott, Campbell, Ingelow y otros "A Book Of Story Poems"ars$30

Thackeray, William "Makepeace" Every Man Library"ars$30

Oscar Wilde "Plays" 20$

Bernard Shaw The Doctor´s Dilemma ars$30

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